7 Natural Remedies For Anxiety | Part 1
Now that we’ve talked about what anxiety is, what causes it, and how to deal with anxiety; let’s talk about what you can do to stop anxiety, especially pertaining to natural remedies for anxiety.
These methods also have some application as natural remedies for anxiety and depression (because the two conditions are often linked and occurring at the same time). Moreover, what’s discussed below can be helpful as a way to address anxiety (i.e., anxiety treatment without medication), and/or can be done at home (i.e., anxiety treatment at home). Always be sure to check-in with your health provider.
In this blog, we’ll discuss natural remedies for anxiety Tips 1-3.
A special note, this topic is especially important for those who have been oppressed, or experienced being marginalized in any way, particularly Black, Indigenousness, & People of Color (BIPOC). Why do I say that? Because oppression just doesn’t happen to the individual, it occurs as a system. Systems that have been set up and organized around principles where one set of individuals are esteemed above others. A system of in’s and out’s. A system of degradation, versus all of us being held in dignity. When we understand that the health system (although it bares some good) leverages people to maintain the intention of why it was created (to reinforce racial, social, and economic power [not for health reasons]), we can begin to understand why a holistic perspective (which includes natural remedies) has been diminished or absent from the dialogue, as this approach cultivates real healing, and challenges the structure in and of itself.
For this reason, I honor your intersectionality. And any way that you are uniquely you. For all the ways you’re special and different. Citizenship Status. Ability. Gender. Health. Race. Sexual Orientation. Economic Status, etc. You are wonderful. Let’s work towards reclaiming all that you are, knowing that navigating health means navigating systems. Let’s do this.
Again, in these recommendations we want to keep in mind the guiding principles for anxiety so we can truly work towards relief (See How to Deal With Anxiety, 6 Must-Know Principles). Our aim is to not totally abate symptoms, because symptoms provide information about what needs to be healed and how we should go about it. Our main goal here is to bolster our ability to use the principles of moving through anxiety.
As a third note. I am not a medical doctor. I have gathered this information from my professional work, collaborating with healthcare providers (traditional and holistic), personal study, applying this to my life, and helping others therapeutically using a holistic mental health perspective.
Without further ado…
1. Magnesium.
Magnesium is one of my favorite natural remedies for anxiety. It is effective, straightforward, and easy to implement.
There is a wealth of research that says that magnesium levels tend to be low in individuals who are experiencing depression, but particularly anxiety. Among other things, this mineral calms the body and the mind, supports mood stabilization and muscle relaxation. This is especially important because individuals who experience significant anxiety tend to have psychosomatic (or mind-body) symptoms; particularly symptoms that involve tension. Additionally, our bodies need support when cortisol (stress hormone) is consistently surging through our cavity at elevated levels (which occurs when someone is in survival mode [and anxiety induces survival]). Knowing how frequent you are in fight-flight-or-flee mode, how long it lasts, how fast your mind and body recovers, how quickly survival mode is re-induced when anxiety is present after an occurrence, and how readily (and how long) you are fully able to relax, will give you an estimation about your magnesium levels. We just need to listen to our bodies. To be sure, however, you can always ask your health care provider to run blood work on your magnesium level for you.
There is a wealth of research that says that magnesium levels tend to be low in individuals who are experiencing depression, but particularly anxiety.
You can find magnesium over the counter in your local organic shop. I prefer the powder mix that you can mix in your drink. Because many people experience increased worry at night before bed (which is a very common pattern for anxiety), I personally recommend taking magnesium at night at the beginning of your bedtime routine, as you begin to wind down. Doing this helps regulate sleep, a major life function, which translates into relaxation, recovery, and mood regulation; which places us in a position to make better choices.
Because many people experience increased worry at night before bed (which is a very common pattern for anxiety), I personally recommend taking magnesium at night at the beginning of your bedtime routine...
2. Gut Health.
Gut health is another one of my favorite natural remedies for anxiety, as it is also a natural remedy for depression. Addressing this system always has a positive impact. Making gains in this area is not complicated, and actually can be very easy.
You likely have heard alot about gut health, and the reason why is because the gut impacts overall health; which means our resilience, mood, mental clarity, and concentration. Why are those things important? Many people who are anxious struggle with a dissociative feeling of separation. People often describe a ‘haze’. I have heard things like, “I feel like I’m coming out of my body.” “Life feels like it’s not real.” “I feel like I’m in someone else’s story.” This ‘unreal’ feeling also leans itself towards a low locus of control (that generates beliefs about ‘not being able to control one’s own life.’). – It is significant how common dissociation is. This pervasive feeling of separation also highlights the function of anxiety – a signaling of a departure from the True Self…
That is why, natural ways to integrate the self (and abate dissociation) are life changing. The opposite of haziness is clarity and concentration. The opposite of indecision and ambiguity (which typically is present with dissociation) is decisiveness (which is associated with focus and emotional resilience and regulation).
Many people who are anxious struggle with a dissociative feeling of separation. People often describe a ‘haze’. I have heard things like, “I feel like I’m in someone else’s story…”
In addition, due to a better overall state of health, individuals are better able to execute their goals (or engage in proactive behavior mindfully and adaptively tolerate distress, i.e., do inner work). It is also easier to address gut health because it is a concrete (versus abstract) action that yields concrete feedback in the body, so success is easier to internalize (which impacts self-efficacy). Furthermore, because those who experience dissociation struggle with intuitive listening, or listening to their inner voice on some level, the exercise of listening to the body builds or enhances receptivity among the self. Healthy gut health can be a game changer. By being intentional with our gut health, we are modulating the toxicity level in the body (which influences inflammation, mood, energy level, and mental clarity, etc.,) and supporting our body’s ability to create & absorb nutrients, or recuperate from survival (which is a frequent occurrence with anxiety) and induce recovery (healing mode, so we have the fundamentals to begin to fully heal). Proper gut health is one component that places us in the proper condition to heal.
Proper gut health is one component that places us in the proper condition to heal.
3. Whole Food, Unprocessed Diet.
Going hand in glove with natural remedies for anxiety #2, is diet. A whole-food, unprocessed diet that has a significant plant-based component, is the first line of defense and a significant means of prevention, in terms of emotional resilience. It stabilizes our blood sugar which helps regulate mood, and provides nutrients that helps the body cope and recover from survival or psychotropic medications one may be taking. When practiced as an intentional act of healing, we are meaningfully fostering self-acceptance and self-efficacy which translates into beliefs like, “I am important enough to care about.” “I am worth nurturing.” “I can help myself.” In other words, this way of coping can help rewire the subconscious (when paired with other ways to meaningfully address anxiety), by pairing genuine emotional modulation (relief) with self-determination and a lifestyle change. In my experience, an intentional, healthy diet can be much more effective than medication in many cases, or creates the platform where less medication is needed, or where side-effects are less impactful. Acknowledging different dietary needs, I recommend finding the exact diet that is right for you by reading and trying different diets, or by contacting a nutritionist or a practitioner that has a holistic view about food and health.
A whole-food, unprocessed diet that has a significant plant-based component, is the first line of defense and a significant means of prevention, in terms of emotional resilience.
An acupuncturist once told me, “Food is the largest medicine cabinet there is.” I couldn’t agree more.
Stay tuned for my thoughts about how to begin to eat healthier, what recipes I enjoy, or what thought leaders I turn to for advice about this topic…
An acupuncturist once told me, “Food is the largest medicine cabinet there is.” I couldn’t agree more.
Lastly, this brings to light people who have limited access to affordable, nutrient-dense foods, and less information about how to cook or eat well; and the phenomenon of food deserts and hunger. ~ When we think about who are the people that experience this, the results are astounding. To those of us who have come from these places, have family or friends in these places, or live in these places ourselves; I see you. I know that fighting for your health and your empowerment, changes everything…
Lastly, this brings to light the phenomenon of food deserts and hunger. To those of us who have come from these places, have family or friends in these places, or live in these places ourselves; I see you.
I know that fighting for your health and your empowerment, changes everything.